Thursday, February 21, 2008

Step one: storage unit

I got a storage unit yesterday, and already everything looks more possible. Goodwill picked up our old nasty sofa and a bookcase, we moved the futon into the living room, and I moved several boxes into storage. Soon I'm going to love this house again!

My list of things to do is still long, but it seems more doable now that the house looks less cluttered. And although I'm dying to paint the walls, I have moved that task down on the list of important stuff to take care of. Clutter is now number one.

Thank you to all who wrote in with brilliant tips! I think the house will look pretty good soon. Now, if only people will start looking at it.


Andrea and Ben said...

I cannot even imagine your house without the kid toys, it just seems so normal and lived in!! I am sure it will look great and fly off the market!!

Elizabeth said...

I want pictures of your new living room!