Friday, February 08, 2008

Getting color

Okay. I got lots of comments (thank you!) on the color of the living room and entryway. But I only got 4 actual votes! And worse, they were evenly divided! I tend to like the darker colors, so would normally go with the oak ridge, but am leaning towards the lighter color for neutrality and lightness. Our house is small, so I need to increase the size of the rooms.

You all pretty much agree that although the blue wall is JUST BEAUTIFUL, it needs to be re-painted. Sigh. I do love it. But you're probably right. I'm pretty sure my realtor will tell me the same thing soon. My question here is: does that entryway wall really truly have to be the same color as the living room? Or can it be the darker oak ridge color, or even one of the suede colors? Have you guys seen the suede in person ever? Because for me, it is so amazing: it made me want to touch the wall. And it's things like that that I think will help me sell the house. That instant "that is so cool!" feeling that someone will get when the see my beautiful suede wall. Or, am I fooling myself?

So: 2 questions. More thoughts on the oak ridge vs cedar key debate (if you did not vote), and what about the entryway wall? Same color as the living room, or another shade of brown?


Andrea and Ben said...

If you still want to make it an accent wall, just go a shade or two darker than the main wall color (so you can still get your dark in). I didn't look at the choices as the screen was not helping my headache last night. Maybe the blue wouldn't look so blue once it isn't paired with green. Leave it at first and see what you think. Then if it needs it, change it but I like it. Blue (that shade) is in with the architects right now.

Anonymous said...

They're both beautiful colors. If I had time and energy (like you seem to) I'd do both. I'd do the room the lighter color and the accent wall the darker one. Keeping the accent wall might give more interest to the house, but the lighter color would definitely open up the space. Losing the blue would be sad, but neutrals probably will appeal more. Funny that I'm saying that because I couldn't wait to have my walls anything but "builder beige". However, your color choices are so much better than my old "builder beige".

Anonymous said...

I vote oak ridge, the cedar key looks a little too light. But hard to say without really seeing it up on the wall and en tu casa. I say no suede, no accent wall...simple is best for selling and for ease of painting.

PS LAUGH, LAUGH...JEFF will be doing a 1 year tour to Osan AGAIN! Hey, didn't we just do that? Ughh! I am Korea'd out! You didn't get the nauseated, pregnant, smelly version of the tour that I did. My stomach still this time, me and the kids will NOT be attending! I haven't figured out what I will do quite yet, as we have no follow up tour promised. At least our life in the military is never dull! Noelle

Jen said...

My real estate agent is coming next week, and I will pick her brain (as well as anyone else's who shows up here, beware!), especially about the blue.

Noelle, shut up. I can't believe you guys got Korea AGAIN. Will you go back to Oregon? It's sort of a tough one, having a house one place and family somewhere else. Ugh.

Katie said...

I would say Cedar Key is way too light. It seems like one of those colors that looks right until you put it on the wall and realize it is almost white!

I think the Oak Ridge would be the best bet....with an accent wall of something suede/dark! How is that?

Maybe do the entry way in the suede and everything else in Oak Ridge!