Monday, April 10, 2006

what's next?

Venting: I was just listening to the local news, and apparently it has been illegal to smoke in most public places in Sedona for a month now. Public places, including restaurants and bars. I don't smoke and I think it's a stupid habit, but doesn't it worry anyone that an individual right such as smoking is disappearing from many cities across this country? I wonder what is it stands now, Texas is arresting people for being drunk in bars. Even at hotel bars, where the drunk patrons are staying at the hotel for the night. Wow. Go Texas.

Back to my favorite subject: Kate slept all night last night! After waking up at about 9pm and crying for quite some time. Her nose was all stuffed up and she became very annoyed with me as I tried to suction the snot out of the way. She couldn't breathe, I tried to help, she wouldn't look at me afterwards. Tim had to calm her down and get her back to sleep. But then she slept all night long! And I am a much happier girl today because of it. Thank you, Kate!


Katie said...

PRECIOUS. Kate is so beautiful. I love sleeping babies.....does she put herself in the corner of the crib, or do you put her there?

Jen said...

She works herself up there, almost everytime she's in the crib now. Thank GOD her head isn't small enough to fit into the slats! She wedges herself in pretty good.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Bob here. Nice site...Blog? It looks like a great way to get the news and pictures out.