Thursday, March 05, 2009

No baby, just crazy busy

My sister and her daughters got here a week ago and we've been non-stop busy since then. We've been to the park several times to enjoy the 70* weather (these have also been fruitless attempts to wear out the children). We've been stuck in the house a fair amount, too, as we try to get the kitchen/bathroom/bedroom disaster worked out. The painters are here today and everything should be back to normal (better, really; you should SEE the paint, it's so cool) soon.

Claire's favorite thing lately is to come into our bedroom at approximately too early (6:15am) and declare that she wants up in bed with me. She quietly hands me her blanket, then her puppy, then her bunny, and then demands I help pull her up and get her settled under the covers. She is much more relaxed than Kate was at this age, and will lay there quietly enough that I am often able to go back to sleep, snuggling with her. I love it, but wish it would happen about an hour later.

Kate is thoroughly enjoying being a big sister/cousin, and has been pretty good with baby Lucy. I am so thankful for this, as it's really a dry run for us. We are still working on not touching the baby's face and hands, but both Kate and Claire have been very lovey towards Lucy. As for Tempie, who is 22mo, I think Kate sees her as another little sister to boss around. Tempie plays into this by declaring that everything is "MINE", and sets Kate off occasionally. Mostly things are going well, though. I, for one, am so very happy to have my sister here for such a long stay, and wish fervently that she lived closer. Sadly, they leave on Tuesday, and Jessica heads back to work not long after that.

We have plans to fly my sister-in-law and her youngest daughter out to help us with the kids during the baby/hospital stay. I have an OB appointment next Tuesday at which we should be able to set a date for the delivery. Then I can let the countdown really begin.

I am trying so very hard to enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy, since it will be my last, and there truly are amazing things about being pregnant. But I really just don't enjoy pregnancy; in particular, I dislike the last 6-8 weeks. I am very impatient, and I hate being so big and uncomfortable. And it is very frustrating not being able to play with the girls and be as active as I would like to be. That being said, I do love feeling the baby kick and knowing that we will soon have a tiny bundle of joy to love and hold. And that should be happening in approximately 30-some days.


Carrie S said...

After reading this I'm desperate to call you, but I'm sick and have no voice. Are Sheila and Haddie coming down for the birth? Then, is Mom still coming later in April and is Dad coming, too? My own pregnant hormones are making me extra jealous of all the time you're getting with family after the trip to Oregon, too. Thrilled for you that you'll have the help, but still very jealous!

Elizabeth said...

Loved these details. What paint color did you choose?

Jen said...

Carrie - yes, we are hoping to have Sheila and Haddie come here in April for a week. I don't know if Mom and Dad are coming in April/May or not. I hope so, but I know they are busy.

Elizabeth - pretty much the same colors as the rest of the house, with 2 accent colors. LOVE.