Thursday, March 19, 2009

I should be better at this

Can watching Knocked Up cause one to go into pre-term labor?

Having given birth to two children already, you would think that I would have a firm grasp on when I am in true labor and when I am in, as they call it, false labor. But I Don't Know! Our shopping trip to the commissary this morning was...challenging, and since we've been home, I've felt the need to once again write down contraction times. When I can breathe through them, that is. I'm planning to call the OB as soon as I get done blogging (addicted much?), and Tim is on alert. If this is indeed another false alarm, I promise not to cry wolf on my blog about labor again. Riiiiiight.

Also, if these contractions are fake, I am in serious TRUH-BULL for the real thing, because: OUCH.


Elizabeth said...

I don't care what you say! I am excited! Total Confidence that you know real labor from false labor! (And from what I remember, you were in REAL labor last time, and they had to give you a shot to stop it!).

Hey, maybe Tim should try not to block the driveway tonight with an RV?

Also, how was Knocked Up?

April said...

I have to say I loved your little note *addicted much* LOL.
Hope all goes well and can't wait for the news!
take care,

Katie said...

OH OH OH! This is SO exciting! I am sure it will be soon.....

Also, I was in that "am I? Or aren't I?" phase a good 12 hours and then BAM. Definitely knew it was it. So, just hang in there! It will be soon......I can't wait to hear the news!