Tuesday, October 03, 2006


My sister catsat Starbuck when we went to Oregon last month for 2 weeks. Before we left, Starbuck was feisty. Somewhat mean. Very bitey. Scratched us a lot. Hissed at himself in the mirror. We thought that maybe it was because he was gender-confused. We got him in June thinking he was a she (the base vet 'confirmed' this observation) and then later found out when we went to get her spayed that she was a he.

After Starbuck spent 2 weeks with his brother kitty, Duke, and George, the huge black and white cat my sister has had for a year, he came back to our house all lovey. He is now a lap-cat. Loves to sit on you and lick. Gross. He purrs and purrs, and is happiest whilst licking your arm, your neck, or whatever other skin he can find (the crook of your elbow is his favorite - he can nuzzle his head in there and lick away). I am not sure what Jess did to my cat, but he's gone weird on us. I am not complaining; I would rather have a licker than a biter, especially with a toddler in the house. But it's just weird.

Last week I found him in his new favorite sleeping location:

Kate loves this new Starbuck. She calls him Buck Buck, or something like that.

I have not seen Buck Buck this morning (he spent the night outside because he refused to come in when we were going to bed), and I hope he's okay. There have been coyote sightings around lately, and I am beginning to fear the worst... Starbuck, come back and sleep in the sink! I'll even let you lick my arm. For a minute.


Addendum at 1pm: after arriving home from lunch (and after driving around the neighborhood looking for the remains of our kitty), I called Starbuck's name and he came running. He seems to be fine, no scratches. Phew.


Katie said...

Awwwww! Such a cute photo. That is weird that he likes licking now! But, definitely better than biting, I would agree.

Andrea and Ben said...

that is a cute picture. Cats are so wierd!!