Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Last week's game against the OSU Beavers was horrible, but even more distressing is my recent finding that our quarterback, Isaiah Stanback, will be out for the rest of the season. I'm not sure that we're going to have much more good Husky football this year, folks. Stanback has been a great leader for the team this year, and I don't know that our junior quarterback can pull the team together enough to beat Cal, ASU or WSU. I hope we can at least beat Stanford.

On another note, more from the weirdo files: Starbuck the kitty likes Pirate's Booty. He also lost a tooth? teeth? last week. It? They? were on my computer chair one morning. Gross.

Not a very good photo (couldn't get close enough), and not a pretty subject, so here's a nice picture from Seattle:


Katie said...

Do cats normally lose teeth? That is weird! Pretty flowers....

Jen said...

I guess so. That's what my sister says, anyway. I thought it was weird, but they are born as babies and grow up just like we do. It's still weird!