Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oughtta be

I should probably be making dinner right now, but these were too good to pass up.

Kate has been making me crazy at nap time recently. She plays in her room for the entire time, even when she clearly needs a nap. She'll be nodding off at lunch but will get a second wind at nap time, playing for hours with her Sleeping Beauty Barbie and all her accoutrements, refusing to close her eyes. Then at dinner she is a MESS, throwing fits and tantrums that make me want to pull my hair out. Today I had a grand idea: nap time in Claire's crib. Turns out 'sleep' was not what she had in mind until nearly the end of nap time: at one point she had the purple box in the lower left corner IN the crib with her (it had been within arm's distance), and I'm fairly certain the blanket she is lying next to was on the rocker which is NOT within arm's reach...

Claire came out of the pantry with this jar of fluff after nap, demanding, "Moshmallows fo' beckfast!" Note the look of glee on her face. She is a little confused about which meal time is when, but not what constitutes a good snack.


Carrie S said...

Too cute! How does she know that marshmallows come in jarred fluff form and not in individual pieces?

Anonymous said...

Oh believe me, she knows marshmallows in any form and can spot them from across the room! They are her "Favorite"... although so are cupcakes right now.

Elizabeth said...

Your kids' naptime shenanigans are one of my very favorite topics. And I love the look you captured on Claire's face. Awesome picture.