Friday, January 09, 2009


Finally, FINALLY, after being on the waiting list for months, Kate is scheduled to start pre-school at the beginning of February. It is ridiculously expensive, and is not as long nor as flexible as I would like, but I WILL TAKE IT.

This week, Kate has decided that she no longer needs afternoon naps. This, of course, coincides with my need to start taking them, so we've been a bit at odds. And the evenings. Well, those have not been so very pleasant. She is a wreck by dinner. Luckily, Tim has not been on nights, so he has been around to head off the tantrums, or at least deal with them civilly.

I keep forgetting to talk about my ultrasound last week. Isn't that just like a pregnant woman? The poor third child. The perinatologist said things are looking pretty good, except that there is extra fluid in the placenta. I'm not at the danger level, but they will keep an eye on it, as I guess one of the possible complications can be pre-term labor. Me, I just think that my body likes the extra fluid, because I am fairly certain I was fluid-heavy with Claire, as well, and also, have you SEEN my belly? Trust me, it's huge. Let's just say that when the doctor broke my water with Claire, he got soaked, mentioned something like, "WOW, that was a lot of fluid," and then went to change his scrubs. I also saw my belly visibly shrink, and I commented to Tim that I felt like I had just lost 5 pounds. TMI? Oh, sorry. But my point is that I don't think there is anything wrong with the baby, just that extra fluid is one of my pregnancy quirks.

Also, I got a couple of 4D pictures at the ultrasound! One of them is totally creepy: it looks like it's just a shin and foot floating there, not attached to anything, which I'm pretty sure they would have put in the "not normal" category if the leg really wasn't attached, so I'm not going to get too worked up over it. The face ones are kinda cute. Eh, on second-look, those ones could be considered kind of creepy, too, especially when I digitize them. How about if I just wait until the baby is born and then post pictures. I'm sure those photos will be a lot more generous.


Carrie S said...

I'm a little jealous of all the ultrasounds you're getting, especially since I'm older than you. And, since my doctor's office has an old machine that still doesn't do 3D or 4D or whatever they're calling it and can't record it like they used to in Silverton. Oh well, I'll have to make do with simple photos that no one can really make out, but me until we also have those gorgeous baby pics! That is, when I get them. My ultrasound is still probably about 2-3 weeks away. However, depending on the weather, we're scheduled for an early peak with a doctor family friend next week!
Also, I've been meaning to ask you if you've ever considered buying or have tried one of the Bella Bands? I wondered if it would allow you to wear your beloved jeans longer or help with those annoying maternity pants that always want to slide down. I'm considering one, but am guessing it won't be in the budget at the moment.

Andrea_Ben said...

Yay preschool! I hope all works itself out with the naps. Any words on the car?

Elizabeth said...

I am convinced that we had a really good deal going in Tucson with daycare/pre-school prices. And haircut prices, for that matter. It is SO expensive here, too.

So please share what you think of your new OB, especially in comparison to Dr. D.

Jen said...

C - I've never had one of those bands...might have to look into it, although I'm sure it will do nothing for the skin-tight pant-leg issue.

A - still test-driving. The Mazda is my current fave, but the Outlook is nice as well. Didn't care as much for the Chevy Traverse.

E - Um, yeah. Tucson was cheap for just about everything.

But I love my OB here! He is great, and although he's no Dr. D, he is wonderful and I have recommended him to friends here.