Thursday, June 14, 2007

Slow on the Uptake

That's me. Or maybe I'm just a positive, well-intentioned girl who always wants to think bigger than is truly possible.

Every morning I wake up full of ambition, thinking of all that I am going to accomplish that day. Let's see, I need to clean the bathroom. Maybe I'll put away all the toys in the living room today. The 2 loads of clean laundry stuffed into an undersized basket need to be put into drawers. Perhaps I'll go grocery shopping, probably ought to mop because Kate's little feet are so Black every night, I should call my sister and see how she's doing, Kate has swim lessons at 9, then I need to play with McLaren, read a book to Kate, update the blog, send some photos to friends...and the list goes on and on. You would think that just the randomness of these thoughts should tell me something: that there is No Way I am going to accomplish half of them. Yet every morning, I wake up thinking of all that is going to get done That Day. Does anyone else do this? Maybe it's just me.

Just thinking about it exhausts me.

So, Father's Day. Plans? What are you doing for the big day? My dad is headed out for the weekend, so we'll spend it swimming, relaxing (yeah, right) and hanging out with my sister and her family.


Fabiana, Rafaela e Marcelo Reis said...

About Rafaela's outfit: she became cute, but she became angry too.
kisses for you, Babies and GRANPA JIM!!!

Andrea and Ben said...

sounds like the plans I make for every day after work. It is funny how it all sounds pretty reasonable, yet each time it just isn't. Why do women do this to themselves?

Katie said...

Time to lower your expectations. I think deciding just ONE thing to accomplish off your list each day would be a better idea! Today I am going to call the damn cable company. I have been putting it off for WEEKS now. That may be all I accomplish!