Monday, June 25, 2007

Bad parents all around

We had a weekend full of bad parenting here. We started out by taking our 2 young children to a nasty swap meet in near-100* heat on Saturday morning. Then we brought them back home, and I left them with their father for 2 hours while I got my hair done. When I came home, I found this:

Yo, Ma, look at me.

Rocky McLaren.

Granted, her eye looks like it is swollen shut not from the fall into the coffee table, but from her eye infection, but still. That bruise on her forehead? Not caused by pink-eye.

Then, while swimming that afternoon, Kate tried my beer. She did not like it, even though it was a tasty micro-brew. In my defense: Tim was starting the grill around the side of the house, I was in the pool, and Kate was on the patio. Not in my defense: I failed to put my beer out of the reach of Kate, and I left my child alone on the patio.

Last night McLaren had some peas for dinner. Okay, she had quite a few peas for dinner. Apparently they did not agree with her, and I found her this morning lying in a crusted pile of pea goo. I think she spit up all of the peas. I felt really bad because I had absolutely no idea that it happened until I got her up this morning, and there is no way she could have spewed that many peas without crying. We are officially turning off the swamp cooler at night and turning on the AC. The cooler is really nice, but it's also really loud, as referenced above.

Then, this morning, after McLaren's emergency bath, I was pulling the clean laundry out of the dryer and noticed both of Kate's blankets were in the pile. That explains a lot about why she was talking in her room last night until nearly 8:30, when she went to bed at about 7:15. Neither Tim nor I will be getting the parent of the month award for June.

To leave you with a more positive mental picture, here's Kate walking in Tim's sandals.


Katie said...

Oh MAN. That is the worst feeling ever--finding a kid covered in vomit in the morning. That has happened to us quite a few times and I feel so terrible each time. (We let her cry for a while if she wakes up at night, so she was probably crying and throwing up and then just putting herself back to sleep.) SO SAD.

What happened to McLaren's head? What did she hit it on? I cannot believe she is standing up already. Wasn't she just born? GAH!

On the other hand--Beer. Yum. Now I need some.

Andrea and Ben said...

They are alive, you are great parents!!! Every kid tries beer, every kid hits their head (my brother got stitches 4 times in his cranium as a kid), every kid pukes now and again. They are happy, so you are a fabulous parent!!!

Jen said...

Claire fell into the table while Tim was trying to take a picture of her standing up. She really likes to stand, but also likes to let go of what she is holding onto, and she is only 5mo so that doesn't work out so well for her.

Elizabeth said...

How on earth is she even standing already? She is obviously very talented!

Just to make you feel better about yourself, Catherine went "swimming" in the late afternoon on Sunday. Not only did I not put sunscreen on her for a backyard party in June in Tucson (I erroneously thought a baby would not get burned at 5:30pm), but she also managed to plunge headfirst into the pool WHILE SHE WAS SITTING ON MY LAP (and while both of us were fully clothed)!