Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Aaaaaah, aaaaaah, aaaaaah

McLaren's first words! She started cough-talking recently, and now has added 'aaaaah, aaaaah' to her vocabulary. She loves to talk and when it gets loud in here she will also get louder, trying to be heard over the screams of little children. I hosted the co-op over here yesterday morning and it was quite loud. Seven kids and 5 moms in a small space makes for some racket. We had planned to go outside and play in the pool, but it was rainy and cloudy. Awesome. It didn't get above 88* yesterday and was 68* at 4pm. It's June, people! This is virtually unheard of!

We got thunder and lightning after the girls woke up from their naps, and Kate got to say "boom boom" and "sat" (splat) a lot. She loves to quote her Mr. Brown Can Moo book. I think the rainstorm is the first that Kate has seen in months, and she hasn't heard a thunderstorm in ages, so she was a little scared. We were headed out for errands in the middle of it and she came running over to me in the carport after a particularly loud boom. Then we got in the car and she said "bye-bye boom" and was okay after that.

McLaren is waking up to talk at about 5:30am every morning, but she goes back to sleep. It's after 7am now and they are both still sleeping. Why is it that they only want to wake up before dawn when Tim is TDY? Why?


Andrea and Ben said...

wasn't yesterday great! I watered my plants to ensure it would rain, just to make me feel silly for watering :0) I haven't seen the girls in a while, I will have to check out Claire's new speech patterns!

Anonymous said...

sooooo cute!

Katie said...

I don't know! WHY do they sleep better when dad is home? It is so so cruel. I think they can sense desperation and it makes them wakeful. Damn.

Jen said...

Desperation was the name of the game while he was gone, so you're probably right, Katie.