Monday, April 30, 2007


We had some friends over this morning for playgroup: 6 kids, 4 moms and lots of noise. Overheard:

  • "I don't think the kitty wants to wear a hat." (referencing the pail on top of kitty's head)

  • "Eric, don't grab Jake by the hair; I don't think he likes that."

  • "No climbing the step chest!" (referencing Jake up on level 3 of the chest)

  • "I need a towel...for the kitty's water that is now all over the bathroom floor." (Eric)

Kate is still asleep (2.5 hours so far), so it obviously wore her out. We'll be doing more of this over the summer for sure.


Katie said...

Dang! Is that all it takes to make a kid nap for longer than an hour? Sign me up. Damn.

Andrea and Ben said...

the comment about starbuck not wanting to wear a hat is hilarious. That cat is so chill with the kids!