Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Today is Kate's first day of pre-kindergarten. She waffled between being super excited about going and whining about not wanting to attend school this year. Once we arrived, she was giddy.

Reese, Claire and Kate. Claire starts school tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Love Kate's shoes!

Elizabeth said...

Ummm . . . that top picture? Just made LR worth it (even though you're still in free download land. But if you HAD bought it.) Was that the direct positive preset? That one is my fav. Have you downloaded any additional presets yet? It's on my agenda. What kind of camera do you have? Just think if we knew anything about aperture or f stops! There would be nothing stopping us!

So if you DO decide to get it, Sam found the best price from a company named ZTech Software.

Jen said...

Niki - me, too. She picked them out. Sadly, she says they hurt her feet. I seem to recall my Converse not being the most comfortable shoes, either. The price we pay for fashion. I just don't think a 3-year-old is gonna go for the fashion bit...

Elizabeth - yes, direct positive. LOVE IT. It is also clearly my favorite, although water scenes, like the HK one below, sometimes look really cool with the cyanotype.

I haven't downloaded any other presets. I've been too busy editing all my old pictures before my free trial runs out! I'm excited to know what else could possibly be out there.

If only I knew how to take good pictures to begin with - wouldn't that be a hoot? I have a Canon powershot something or other right now, but have the Rebel on my wishlist. And thanks for the heads up on where to buy LR. You never know who might be having an anniversary soon. ;-O

Anonymous said...

I love Kate. Whether she continues to wear her Converse or not. You either got it or you don't, and Kate's clearly got it.

Andrea and Ben said...

Kate's face in the first picture is awesome!!!