Thursday, August 27, 2009


What was I thinking? The girls started school last week, and life is crazier as a result. Isn't school, at this age, supposed to ease my stress levels a bit? The problem is that they each go to school on different days, at different times. And although it's been just over a week, I am going [sing-song] cuck-oooo!

There are other options, but I am unsure which will be best. All involve switching Kate out of her class, a class where she knows a bunch of kids, and I have a high level of guilt over this. But I am telling myself that it will be for the better for EVERYONE if I am less stressed out every day. [This is where Tim will nod vigorously.]

So, please help me, dear readers. Claire is currently in the Tuesday/Thursday a.m. class, and Kate is in the Monday/Wednesday/Friday p.m. class. The options:

  • both girls in the Monday/Wednesday/Friday a.m. classes
  • both girls in the Tuesday/Thursday a.m. classes (means not switching Claire around at all, which I am actually not that concerned about, because I'm not a huge fan of her class at present)
  • both girls in the Tuesday/Thursday p.m. classes


  • Morning classes would allow me to just throw on my running gear and go for a run with Luke (note to self: must get crap stroller fixed) before getting ready for the day. Of course, I could do this for the p.m. classes, too, when the weather cools down...
  • I am generally more productive in the mornings, and therefore morning classes would allow me to increase my a.m. productivity as I would only have one child with me on some days.
  • Tues/Thurs classes are a better value: when there is a holiday, it is usually on a Monday or a Friday, and you get charged for the whole month, regardless of whether there is class or not. Also, family days for the Air Force are usually on Mondays and Fridays, so the girls would be less likely to miss out on them, or we wouldn't have to have them play hookie.
  • Three days a week sounds really, really nice right about now.
  • Afternoon classes are easier all around for scheduling.
  • Morning classes allow Claire to have her nap in the afternoon.
  • Tim can occasionally drop the girls off for morning classes; not so for afternoon ones.


  • Morning classes are hectic for drop-off and pick-up. School starts at 8:30, so we need to be out the door by about 8:15, and it ends at lunchtime. This means that by the time we get home, they are starving, but I usually have not yet made lunch. I could probably get into a schedule of making lunch before I pick them up and this would help on the pick-up end of things.
  • Afternoon classes mean no nap for either girl, and Claire still really needs one. She will rally through the afternoon if inspired, so if I do put her in the p.m. class, she won't fall asleep while there. She might, however, be grumpy.
  • Tues/Thurs mornings will cause us to miss out on the playgroup we are part of on Thursday mornings. This group is fun, with seasonal parties, and I would hate to have the girls miss out on such things.
  • The Mon/Wed/Fri class adds to the already outrageously expensive bill from the pre-school.
  • When Tim is on nights (granted, this doesn't happen that often), he pretty much misses out on time with the girls that day if they are in the a.m. class.

I am totally stuck. I keep thinking: "Oh! Yes, that's the one we'll sign up for!" And then I think of a reason that it won't be so great. All I know is, something has to change, or I will have completely lost my mind by the time fall comes around.


Katie said...

Ummm. Why is there ANY question here? To me both in the MWF morning class is the glaringly obvious choice! The most time with just you and Luke. The most MOMMY TIME (hence glaringly obvious part!) It will make getting up and out the door three times a week and thinking ahead on lunch TOTALLY WORTH IT. No question. I don't see any other option that makes even remotely as much sense.

(And you can't put a price tag on Mommy's sanity!I guarantee you that preschool bill will be less than therapy, right?)

(There. Did that help?)

Elizabeth said...

Katie is totally right. It also seems glaringly obvious to me that they should both do M,W,F morning classes. They could always stay home if Tim was on nights. You will totally get used to the lunch thing. (e.g., I make mass quantities of PB&J sandwiches on Sunday nights and stick them in the freezer. If nothing else, they could eat a defrosted sandwich on the way home.)

Anonymous said...

I agree. M,W,F A.M. for both girls. Claire will adjust better to a change then Kate will. Claire needs mornings so she can nap. Kids learn better in the morning (that is why full-day schools for young children have all their learning in the morning and afternoon is for specials -Art,gym, etc.) Don't worry about the better value and if they would miss out on something by being in school skip school. It's not that big a deal at this age. Hope this helps.
