Monday, December 29, 2008
"Mommy, look what Claire's doing!" (Kate learns to tattle)
"Honeybee hop! Honeybee hop!" (Kate yelling as she jumps over her new game)
Kate, yelling all commands.
"Tim, are you okay?" (Kate wondering if her daddy feels ill)
"You wanna bean? No? Otay." Sets row of beans on plate, after daddy declines them. (Claire, offering food she doesn't like to others)
"Daddy, you're a meatball." (Kate's reply to her father telling her she's a goofball)
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Later that night, the first gift of Christmas. It's a good thing they're cute, or there might have been coal in some stockings.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Pretty sure
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Polar Express, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Going to see Santa!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Full moon fiasco
We had a good time. Before dinner started at 7:00, I called the sitter to see how things were going. "Fine!" Had she heard from her landlord? No.
At 10:15, as we were driving up to our house, I noticed the first sign of things not-quite-right. "Where is her car?" I asked Tim. Once inside, I noticed Jen's slippers by the front door. Jen came tip-toeing around the corner: "Shhhhhh. Don't wake them." She had a serious look in her eye. And she looked sort of frightened at the possibility of the children waking up.
"Why are you here?" I hissed. She said that the sitter called her at 8:15, Douglas was in the shower because he had just finished a workout, so she came over to watch the girls. She never heard from the sitter again. She just up and left, and did not return. Let me say this again, as I'm not sure it's clear: the sitter left and Never Came Back. And when said babysitter left, she did not give bedtime instructions to Jen.
Apparently, after Jen arrived, the girls decided to rejoice in the light of the full moon. Kate could be heard from her room: "Miss Jen's here!" They had to go to the bathroom. They had to read another book. At one point, not long after she had gotten them in bed, Jen could hear Claire wailing from their room, "Miss Jen!" When she went upstairs, she found Claire with her pants and diaper half-off. Kate had tried to remove them after she had taken her own pants off. The children argued about whether the Christmas lights should be on or off. They discussed the merits of having the fan on or off. Jen mentioned bringing bungee cords to the house next time to keep them in their beds. In other words, it was a disaster. When Douglas called, she told him to stay home for fear that his showing up would set them off again.
I am pretty sure Jen is never going to speak to us again.
After she left, I looked at Tim and mused, "I wonder what would have happened if we hadn't had Jen come over....Do you think...?"
Tim's response: "Number one, there is no way of knowing what would have happened, so don't ask, and number two, you probably don't want to know the answer."
Friday, December 12, 2008
Monday, December 08, 2008
An update of sorts
Shopping for very specific Christmas decorations.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Now, it is almost 8:30pm and their room is suspiciously quiet. I left them in there together about 10 minutes ago, and I haven't yet heard the typical giggling and raucousness that is usually present at this hour. Hmmm.
I think it best not to look a gift horse in the mouth, so I'll just sit downstairs quietly and sip my tea in peace. Mmmmm.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
The sound of silence
We are trying to get the girls to sleep in the same room again. It is a nightmare. We did this in Tucson eons ago, and quickly abandoned the effort as our sanity wore thin. Now, however, Claire is desperate to sleep in a toddler bed, and since we will need her room for the baby next year anyway, we are beginning the process now. Which is probably a good idea on our parts, as it will likely take until mid-April for the two of them to actually fall asleep at a reasonable hour, stay in their room all night, and also not pile all of their toys into the princess castle and have a sleepover in there.
The first couple of nights weren't too bad. They never made it past about 10pm, when we would remove a wailing Claire from Kate's room and put her in her crib. But the past two days have been complete misery. The girls have been uber crabby from lack of sleep, and the tantrums. The tantrums! So, much to the dismay of Claire, who seems to always get the punishment (because really, what is the difference to Kate whether Claire sleeps in the toddler bed or the crib?), we didn't even attempt the co-sleeping arrangement. If they are in better moods tomorrow, and I don't feel like I need to search the want-ads at 9am for ANY JOB IN THE UNIVERSE that will get me out of the house, well then we can try the sleep over again.
Do you have any advice on this matter? Thoughts? Anything? If so, puleeeez tell me.