Thursday, July 10, 2008

Glassware: good. Solid wood: not so good.

Every time we move and begin unpacking, I open each box with some trepidation. Will this be the box with my broken crystal stemware from my great-grandmother? We are nowhere near unpacked yet, but so far the glassware seems to be all in one piece. Oddly enough, it is the HARD WOODEN furniture that is not in the best shape.

The top of my desk is warped. So is the top of the armoire that houses the TV. It's like they put the truck through a steam bath. These are thick, solid pieces of wood. My saddest discovery so far: the step chest we got in Hanoi may be a total loss. I haven't even looked at it close-up yet -- I'm too sad that it is likely ruined.

I picked Starbuck up this morning -- he is confused and skeptical of his new surroundings. He does love the stairs, like the girls do, and has been racing up and down them.

We went swimming last night in our huge lap pool, thanks to all of Tim's hard work on it over the past week. The girls thought it was great to be back in the water. So did we, after a long day of moving in in 112* heat!

We have our cable set up now, and have half of our appliances. The refrigerator, dishwasher and microwave come this afternoon. Party!

Time to go unpack more boxes!


Deborah said...

Great job, you guys! Woo Hoo! Ahh... home... So much fun making it home, too. And yes, I have no idea what happens to household goods while they're in transit. Whether they run them through a steam bath, or a rummage sale, or the workers just rifle through it all while wrestling (and alcohol may or may not be present) with each other. Really, I had some wrestling movers once. Only in Oklahoma... Anyway, good luck unpacking and keep us posted! :) (I'm addicted to your blog, by the way, speaking of current addictions. ha!)

Andrea and Ben said...

Man, that stinks. I will be so bummed the day we unpack something I love that is broken. At least the glassware is intact which is a total shock!!
Your pool looks so cool, I love the shape :0)

Katie said...

Hooray for a pool! That sounds great! I am glad that most of the stuff isn't broken, although that really is awful about the wood furniture....I don't get it!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about the furniture! I love the convenience of having movers, but I hate having other people "take care of" my stuff. I'm glad the stemware survived. And, brave are you for moving into a house with no refrigerator!