Monday, July 21, 2008

Bedroom sets: help!

It's time to transition Kate to a big bed. I have been looking forward to the time when we would buy her a new bed and bedroom set. Who doesn't love redecorating a kid's room? With new! furniture! (Here's where I thank all the family members who have given money for Kate's past birthdays.)

I think I have narrowed the choices down to two beds, but now I am stuck. I just asked Kate which one she likes better and first she said the white one and then the red one. No help whatsoever. She's two; what can I expect?

I like both, for different reasons. I love the red bed because I think it's stylish and classy, but not over-the-top. I like the white one because it has clean lines and has a canopy. I dislike the red one because it is red (which is also a reason why I like it. Confused much?) and I'm afraid she or I will tire of it. I'm also not sure what to get for other furniture in the room. I don't think I want (nor do they sell) an entire red bedroom set. Do you go with white or black or brown? Adding to my woes, the bed also comes in blue! But I like the red better, I think, so I won't even ask your opinion on that.

I dislike the white one because it is white (wow, do I have color issues or what?), and I grew up with white furniture. I loved it when I was 7, and hated hated HATED it when I was 13. But, did I hate the furniture, or hate the lack of change? I mean, I was 13. Realistically, I probably hated the pink frilly bedding and flowery wallpaper most of all, along with the fact that I was stuck in the same bedroom I had had since I was 4. Kate will not have this problem. See also: military move every 3-4 years. Putting the bedroom set in a different bedroom will do wonders, I'm sure.

I think the beds are about the same price, so that is not helping me make a decision.

With all that said, here are the beds. Please voice your opinion! I need help.


joanna said...

Cute beds! How exciting for you both!! I love the red one. the style and the color. If you tired of the red, you could always paint it later. I always loved canopy beds growing up, but never had one. Now I wonder if with moving around it would fit and look nice in any size bedroom - or be the first thing to break in the move. Will you be putting Claire in a matching or coordinating bed ever? Will they ever be sharing a room do you think?

Jen said...

Joanna - I think we will put them in the same room within the next couple of years. Regardless of which bed we get, it will be a double, so that both girls can sleep in it if we need them to.

I agree on the canopy and moving - but it is a sturdy one. Of course, it may look too big in another room somewhere else (her room here is HUGE), but then I think the red one might be too imposing in a different room, too!

What color furniture would you get to accent the red?

M&Co. said...

Does the red one come in white? I think that'd be sweet!

Anonymous said...

Hello Dear,
I realize I'm behind on the blog but just got back from MO and am catching up. I like both beds but I prefer the lines of the red one, however I do have a couple of comments. The white bed could be painted any color she wanted as she gets older AND when I look at them I think it would be much harder for Kate to learn how to make her bed if you pick the red one because it looks to me like you would have to actually lift the mattress out of the frame to get blankets around the bottom of the mattress. You may not like this either. Just my thoughts. Love you all.

Katie said...

Wow! Those are both awesome beds. Before I saw the pictures, I was thinking "a red bed? No. no." But, it really is very cute. I love the style of it. And, Joanna is right, if you tire of the red, you can always repaint it. I would just do regular brown wood furniture--any shade would work, I think.

The canopy is very cool, as well. And I do think white is more versatile in the long run (but again, you could repaint the red bed).

So, bottom line, I like the STYLE of the red one best, but the color of the white one. Hmmmm....I couldn't decide either!

Deborah said...

Add me to the red bed fan club. So cute! And I vote for white furniture to go with it, although brown would also go as well. (For some reason I picture a medium to dark being better than a light, but that's just me, and, I just woke up so that could change in an instant) Okay - so my vote: red bed, white furniture. :) And have fun!

Anonymous said...

I love the red bed, too, but I also agree with Mom that it will be harder to teach her to make and keep her own bed nice - I think. And, I also agree that everything can be painted. I think anything else would go with the red, too, but I would lean towards a natural wood and not something else painted. However, I also loved what my parents did and kept me in a cheap, painted, pressed wood bed until I was a teenager and took me to buy "real furniture" that I got to pick out that I took with me when I left to get married. It was a wonderful investment as I really didn't card what my furniture looked like until I was about that age. Wall color and the sheet or blanket design ranked much higher for me than furniture design. As far as the canopy bed, I've never been a fan of them with little kids as I can just see them attempting to use it for gymnastic practice or just to swing like monkeys. Or maybe I just have more boys and assume that is what they'd do.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,
I am not help in that I like both beds. I think how they will stand up in a move might be something to consider. Katy has a white bed and we only did one move with it and the paint came off. Since it is white it doesn't show that much. I would definitely try to get the matching touch up paint if they have it when you buy the bed. For us they didn't just sell the paint you had to buy the protection plan (so we have no paint).
I would also look at what type of wood the beds are made out of. Is one a softer wood that will be more inclined to dents? I would do a brown wood for accent furniture if you go with the red bed. Red and White screams football to me but I am from Wisconsin and those are our colors.

What kind of decor are you going to have?
Hope the unpacking is going well.


Elizabeth said...

OH NO! My google reader did not pick up this very important post and I did not get a chance to weigh in on time. I LOVE THE RED BED SO MUCH.