Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Do you double-wash the toddler vomit-soaked clothes/changing pad cover/carpet, or just burn it all?


Katie said...

oh god. I have never really double washed anything except when I forget and leave it in the washer for two days. Or, if there are still chunks. Then, keep washing! :)

Andrea and Ben said...

Without any experience to draw from....I say burn it. Stay far away as it probably would not smell great, but it would probably look pretty cool!!

Jen said...

I double-washed. I think it did the trick. Man, I hope so. Gross.

Anonymous said...

If the stuff still smells barfy, try this: Put about a cup of baking soda in the washing machine, let it swish around for a minute to dissolve, and then let everything soak in there for a few hours or even a day. (If I go past the washer, I turn it on and let it agitate for a few seconds to make sure the baking soda stays mixed in.) Then run it the rest of the way. Then rewash with detergent.

Deborah said...

Are you kidding? I was trying not to throw up yesterday while rinsing a cloth diaper. But we do use "Mother's Little Miracle" stain and odor remover for the rest of the work with our tough jobs. (Aldrich sells it) Good luck!