Sunday, August 19, 2007

Eww, eww

A few days ago, I had the brilliant idea to start bribing Kate with candy to get her to use the potty. She has a crush on M&Ms, so I bought a package of the dark yummies that were on sale at Target. I also bought a bag of Reese's peanut butter cups, because they sounded oh-so-good. I just opened one foil-wrapped candy, thinking what strange light was filtering through my windows that made the wrapper look yellow-ish. The candy inside was a bit gooey, and stuck to the paper cup, and I thought I smelled the sickly sweet scent of bananas. Dying for some peanut butter and chocolate, I ignored both of these warning signs, and popped the gooey mess into my mouth (as good as you can 'pop' a melty chocolate glob). No sooner had I done so when I had the sinking realization that that crazy banana smell was not a figment of my imagination: there truly was banana in my Reese's peanut butter cup. ICK. There is not much that I dislike more than banana-flavored things. Gross, gross, gross. I just downed a (small) fistful of Kate's dark M&Ms to try to get the taste out of my mouth, but it's still there, taunting me.

The house is so quiet. Everyone is asleep. Claire has been sleeping for almost 3 hours now. She likes to flip over onto her belly and suck her thumb to sleep now, and I guess it's doing the trick.

Claire is cracking me up now. She yells (YELLS) when she wants attention, or when she is tired. I found out the latter today at the commissary when I took too long to shop. She was very vocal about her feelings.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep up with the constantly changing baby clothes? I feel like every other week I'm pulling clothes out of the girls' drawers because they don't fit anymore. Then I come across some cute little outfit that will just barely fit for a week before it's too small. Organization tips? What do you do to stay organized with your kids' stuff?


Katie said...

That banana thing sounds NASTY. Pass those out at Halloween and freak someone else out! :)

As for organizing? Ha ha HAAAAAAAAa. You're asking the wrong girl, here. Becca's outgrown stuff is tossed in the basement closet and anything that fits or might fit one day is tossed in her closet. A mess!

Andrea and Ben said...

EEEEEWWWW! I HATE artificial banana anything. What a bummer!

Deborah said...

Hey, Jen~
Not that I'm a seasoned Mom or anything, but as you know Grace grows like a weed also. So, other than using the "extensions" for making clothes last longer, once we're done with them, I wash them, and I have two plastic tubs: one for keeping (baby #2 someday?) and one for hand-me-downs. That way, they're packed and ready for the movers. :) Just a little something you could do maybe. Good luck! ~Deborah