Thursday, May 31, 2007
Video Update
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Icky Bins and 'Tucks'
Almost 2 weeks ago now, my sister graduated from dental hygiene school, pretty much at the top of all of Arizona's classes. My dad came out to visit, and he got to spend time with all three of his granddaughters.
Kate's swimming lessons continue, and she is getting better each day. She now cries the instant she sees the pool from her car seat, as opposed to last week when she didn't start crying until I actually handed her over to Ms. Tracie. So, no progress there. But the swimming part is going great. Also a bonus: she is tired out afterwards and either takes a really long nap, or goes to bed at 7pm and sleeps for 12 hours straight. I think it's worth the money just for that.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
We went mattress shopping yesterday at the mall with the girls and decided to try something new: we put Kate in the back part of the stroller (the Weapons Systems Officer's position, as Tim refers to it as) and sat McLaren up in the front seat. Why I ever thought I could live without a double stroller, I will never know. Anyway, that is neither here nor there. I think McLaren enjoyed sitting up and having a view of things, although I'm not sure how much she enjoyed having her sister kick the back of her seat incessantly and pull her hair. We ultimately ended up with Kate in the front and McLaren reclined in the back so she could take her nap.
After we got back from the mall, McLaren got to try her first solid food, rice cereal. She didn't care for it very much.
First rice cereal, 4mo.
Then, after a late nap, we packed up and headed to Reese's house for her 2nd birthday.
Megan, Reese & Carly, blowing out the candles.
Mmm, cake.
Right now, Kate is very into hot dogs. She particularly enjoys the 'rib-eye' version, the sausage version and the roast beef version. She knows she likes meat, and now associates all of it with hot dogs.
Oh, and before I forget, I have new stats on the kids (for weight, at least):
Kate (20mo): 29.6 lbs
McLaren (4mo): 15.8 lbs
My babies are chubsy.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Too Busy for More Than Photos
Friday, May 18, 2007
And the Winner Is....the Kia
This photo makes it look worse than it is. It's only scratched, not dented. But still.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The kids did great. I'm amazed at how well Kate adjusted to sleeping in the pack 'n play in a room that was not her own. It probably helped that she didn't nap on Saturday (at all) on the way there. She was out by about 6:45pm that night and slept in until 7:30-8am the next morning. I was afraid that her lack of nap that day would cause all kinds of problems, but she was great. Claire shared a room with her (sleeping on a towel on the floor on the other side of the bed from Kate) and also slept like the proverbial baby. Woohoo! Of course, having 2 sleeping children at 7pm means you can't take walks along the beach at midnight, but let's face it, we were asleep by then anyway.
Kate loved the pool (it was very kid-friendly, with an area that was about 1.5' deep for her to run around in), and even enjoyed playing in the sand on the beach. She loved running about in the condo and on the deck, but didn't want to walk on the grass. She's still not sure about that stuff.
We went to dinner at La Curva on Monday night in Rocky Point, and Kate got to experience a Mariachi band, burritos, and fried ice cream. I think she was a big fan of all three.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!
For instance, if you are expecting a mom to meet you somewhere at a given time, understand that she could be late for any number of reasons. She could have been up late the night before, wondering when her husband was going to get home, hoping to talk to him after several days of limited contact due to his job (and hers). She could have decided to sleep just a few minutes longer, since the kids were still quiet, although she knew that she would be pushing it later if she wanted to arrive to her destination on time. She could have decided (dammit) that she was going to take a shower even though they had to leave in 15 minutes, put the eldest child in the pack 'n play that was still set up in her bedroom from last weekend, set the youngest child in the bouncy chair and hurriedly washed her hair. She probably frantically combed through her dripping locks, scowled at the 200 hairs that came out in the comb and wondered when this post-pregnancy annoyance would end.
Then she'd pick up the eldest child and smell something funny, just as they were supposed to be putting shoes on and getting into the car. After a record-fast diaper change, she might have put the eldest child on a kitchen chair to help her put her shoes on, not noticing the (full) coffee cup that she had left there from breakfast. That eldest child might then have grabbed the coffee mug and dumped it onto the floor, soaking her mother's shorts and coating the floor, table and chairs with sticky coffee. Perhaps at that point the mother would question her sanity and wonder how their "vacation" to Mexico that weekend was going to go. That, of course, would put her into a slight panic when she realized that she had not yet even begun to pack, that she still needed to sort out the childrens' sleeping arrangements whilst on vacation, and that she was now quite late for her appointment.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
So Much Fun
Kate enjoys the misters.
Peeking out from behind a water gun.
Getting very wet.
We went to Brandi Fenton Memorial Park today along with several other moms and kids. Kate was apprehensive at first, but after I started splashing around, she did too, and she had a great time. We got to leave McLaren at home with Tim since he's on nights, so it was just Kate and me. She loved it! We'll be spending a lot of time there in the next few months, I hope.
Claire is starting to laugh now. She has this silly 'ha ha ha' rapid/forced laugh that's really hammy and funny. I hope she'll keep it up long enough so that I can get a video of her doing it, but so far I think I'm the only one who has heard her. She is growing up fast and is sleeping so well now. I can put her down around 7-7:30pm and she won't wake up until 7:30-8am. And she is taking great naps, which allow me time to spend with Kate. Claire also has this fun eyebrow thing going; she is definitely related to my side of the family, as she can already raise one eyebrow and does so often. She looks like she is skeptical of everything.
Kate is doing great, too. She's so funny, laughing when she's pulling Starbuck's string for him to chase her, and playing peek-a-BOO at the dinner table. She wants to be just like me; she puts her cell phone and wallet in her purse, and walks around the house occasionally opening her phone to say "uh-huh" and "bye-bye" and then closing it again, with purpose. We're trying to teach her earmuffs ("Max, can you earmuff for me?" Beanie, Old School) because she's learning new words pretty quickly and I fully expect her to repeat something her father (never me) has said in her presence, and it will probably happen at a very inopportune time, like at church. Anyway.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Duh-Duh Baby?
Such a good sleeper.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Multi-Tasking Gone Awry
I am not very good at this multi-tasking stuff. Obviously. I put cookies in the oven during naptime yesterday and completely forgot about them. I started to smell a sweet-ish smell and wondered if some remnant of food was burning in the oven. I knew it was on, as I had just made a batch of cookies. I wandered into the kitchen to check that oven to see what was cooking on the bottom or stuck to one of the racks. And what did I find? A dozen cookies that I must have put in there at least 30 minutes ago.
I don't need to eat them anyway, so I guess it's a good thing. We decided we're going to Mexico next weekend, and silly me didn't think about how that was only about 10 days away...not really enough time to get into bikini-shape. But we are headed to Rocky Point for 4 days, over Mother's Day weekend. It will be our first 'family vacation not visiting other family'. I hope that doesn't mean it's going to be hell. Be sure to check back here over the next week as I write about how stressful packing for 2 kids under the age of 2 is, and how the lack of trunk space in my car is causing much grief.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Too Much
Her first trim.
Tonight while Tim was giving Kate a bath, she stood up and said, "up up up!". This, in the past, has been an indication that she needs to use the toilet so Tim quickly picked her up and put her on her Dora potty. She sat there for what seemed like 10 minutes, soaking wet, playing with her bath toys...and then she peed in the potty! Sorry for the graphic, folks, but this is a bit of a milestone for us. About 6-8 weeks ago she told me she had to go and I put her on and she went and then: nothing for the next couple of months. She'd want to sit on the potty, but wouldn't do anything. I had pretty much lost hope, until tonight, of potty training until she was a bit older. We'll see if we can continue to progress. And of course you'll be able to read all about it right here. That's why you read this, right? To hear about potty stories? That's what I thought.