Friday, September 12, 2008

In their own words

  • Church ball: "Mommy, it's not church, it's church ball."
  • "Mommy, it's a jet field airplane!"
  • Yoatmeal. Also known as 'oatmeal' to most of the country.

Claire (also, words and phrases not to teach a toddler who cannot pronounce the letter 'r'):

  • Mecidine. Double meaning: medicine and music on.
  • Stinky britches.
  • Fut. Also comes out sounding slightly different, with more of a 'k' ending. This is her word for 'fork'.


joanna said...

Ha! Alan (he's 3) used to say "oit-meal" for oatmeal, and when Julia would try to make him say it he would say "car". Now he can say it correctly, and I miss it the other way!

Anonymous said...

In our house, at least for Noah, it's "eat-meal". I think I'll be sad when it's oatmeal. I'm not sure what Isaac will call it when he decides to join the world of conversation.