Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Seven years.

Oh yeah! Tim and I had an anniversary, like, mmmm, 3 weeks ago? I've been a bit behind on things lately.

Tim planned everything, from dinner to the entertainment, and we utilized his parents' visit to have a nice night out on the town alone. First, we went to Zeffirino, an Italian restaurant in the Venetian overlooking the canal. We had the most delicious pasta (Tim won with his selection of a pesto pasta. When the chef has made pesto for the Pope, you order it, and it will be good. Tim shared this information with me after he had taken the last bite of pesto. It was his only transgression for the evening.), and shared a tiramisu for dessert. After dinner, we strolled along the canal, taking in the sights and sounds. I love Las Vegas. I know a lot of people don't, but it has such a lively atmosphere. I love the sounds and the smells and the people-watching. You can see a woman in a wedding gown passing drunken collegians, smell a combination of high-quality cigar smoke mixed with high-end perfume and steak being grilled.

We went to the first show we've been to in about 10 years: Ka. I thought it was great; Tim thought it was okay. Sure, the storyline was a little...weird...but the acrobatics were incredible, and the set was awesome. By about 11pm, we were exhausted, but it was a fun way to spend our anniversary.


Katie said...

Cute background!

Pesto for the pope? yea, he totally won. That's funny, we use that term too when dining out. "Who won tonight's dinner?"

Happy Anniversary!

Katie said...

P.S. I love Vegas too. When I can drink, that is.

Andrea and Ben said...

I was starting to wonder where you were!? I love Vegas too, in fact we are coming up there in Dec. I will call you with details.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!! What a great night you had! I didn't realize that when we were in Fayetteville that you and Tim were newleyweds! Goodness!!!!!!!!! Has it been 7 years?


Jen said...

Andrea - Tim: TDY. Internet: down for days. Me: frustrated! Back online now. Also, can't wait to see you in Dec!

Heather - yes, we got married about 10 months after we moved to NC. And I can't believe it's been that long since we were there, either!

Anonymous said...

You look gorgeous and the night sounds divine! I haven't been to Las Vegas in so long that I know I wouldn't recognize it. I do hope we get to come and visit. We celebrated 13 years 11 days ago. However, out night was not nearly so nice! Oh well, I have high hopes for #15!

Elizabeth said...

You look beautiful! Pesto for pope? This I need to eat.