Saturday, March 20, 2010

Aaaaand, the honeymoon is over

I just found lotion on the cat. And on my rugs, and the bathroom counter and floor. What is it with Claire and lotion? The "I've got tons of energy, we're going to keep really busy, and the time will just fly by!" attitude I started the week out with is now fading. The girls had dance class this morning (after which the instructor told me I couldn't take pictures of my children during class anymore because one of the other dads didn't want me taking photos of his daughter? Seriously?), and then we went directly to a birthday party at a bouncy place. So, a 10 minute morning nap for Luke in the car. And then Claire and Luke fell asleep for 15 minutes on the way home from the party, and then refused to nap when we got home. Sooooo, everyone is crabby (including me, clearly), and it's hours until bedtime. And I know it's only been a week, and some others I know complained a lot less over a lot longer period of time! Tomorrow I'll suck it up. As long as I get a good night's sleep.

Lucky for Claire, she's cute. We are sitting next to each other in the loft right now, each of us "working" on our laptops. Kate is giving Claire encouragement, "Thumbs up, Buttercup!", and Luke is alternating practicing his walking skills and trying to discern the purpose of the Barbie pool (it seems that "item holder" is winning).


Elizabeth said...

I cannot even *begin* to explain how annoyed I am at the man in the dance class. I have even complained to Sam about it and we both spent about 15 minutes complaining about it.

I am sorry that your cat had such dry skin.

Anonymous said...

Oh LOLOL...we deal with the lotion thing around here too. And lip balm. And conditioner. And toothpaste. And etc. etc. I am going to go insane this summer...and mine aren't even that little anymore!

Jen said...

Lisa, no way! I thought my kids were the only ones obsessed with lotion.