As most of you know, Nellis AFB is home to the USAF Weapons School. They have two classes per year, and this means every June and December people fly in from all over the world for a string of fabulous graduation parties. Living here has its advantages, because last week I got to participate in the A-10 wives' soiree - a righteous tour around Las Vegas in our own Rock Star bus.
We started at the local casino, and then boarded the bus for our next stop at the Blue Martini. The bus driver took perhaps the longest route possible to get there, but it allowed us all some time to get to know each other. Michelle and Lysandra entertained us with their dancing skills, which garnered some looks from the local traffic on the I-15. After martinis and shots at the Blue Martini, we went to the famous Las Vegas sign, where the bus driver took a photo of all of us...but not the sign. I'm pretty sure the whole point of the picture was to have us and the sign in the photo, but whatevs.
When you put the pictures together like this, it actually looks like what I had in mind!
From there, it was off to Mandalay Bay's exclusive Foundation Room, a posh bar on the 43rd floor overlooking the strip. More shots and more drinks led to much silliness, including this photo which shows Jenna, Aubrey, Erin and me, and something unmentionable floating in Erin's 'tini. Also, Lysandra might have drunk-dialed Katie, who lives on the east coast...making for a very late night call. Sorry, Kates!
I'm RAGING with jealousy at the moment. That looks like it was so so awesome....And to think I was at home changing diapers. Boo.
Suddenly the drunk dialing seems much least I SHOULD have been there, right!?
Also, can't believe you called me Kates. My college roomate has called me that for years, but never anyone else!
That was a good night! I wish we could be there for every graduation. It was so nice getting to hang out with you Jen. A lot of people have been asking how you're doing since I've been back here.
OMG, I think that looked like so much fun! I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall of that bus :0)
Am SO curious about the floating unmentionable.
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