Wednesday, January 06, 2010

How big is Luke?

So big! At his 9mo appointment yesterday, he weighed in at 22lb 2oz, and he is now 28 3/4" tall. He has learned 3 signs, and usually performs all of them in a row for you, just to show off. [The signs: all done, more, and so big (I know, it's more of a game than a sign, but let's not tell him just yet).]

Really enjoying his sauce.

Look at me, Ma!


He isn't walking yet, but is tottering around behind his push-toys by himself. He is also gaining a better sense of balance and is close to riding Rody by himself.

Kate and Claire are back in the swing of things, enjoying school and expanding their amazing imaginations. Kate talks approximately 98% of the minutes she is awake, leaving us all a little bewildered. She and I need to have a little chat about personal information, as I have heard her several times tell strangers the dates of birth of her whole family, and she has even shared our address with people in line at Target. Everyone knows how old I am, and that her father is "older than dirt". As for Claire, she is super excited about turning 3 at the end of the month. She is also insisting on panda cupcakes again. She likes what she likes. But she's branching out, too, as she showed us tonight at dinner by eating a leaf of lettuce and a pickle (both of which she claimed to detest before this).


Anonymous said...

Awesome that pandas were such a hit that she still remembers them! They were pretty cute.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and my mom still makes my dad the same lamb cake that his mother made him every birthday while he was growing up. Coming up on 72 lamb cakes next Tuesday. It's very cute. Maybe Claire will start her own birthday tradition. The pandas probably taste better than the walnut applesauce cake with boiled frosting (YUCK!) that is the lamb cake - the burned shell is mom's touch, not part of the original recipe.

Katie said...

The talking. Oh LORDY. We have that problem here too. Only not to strangers, just. to. me.

The other day she said to Andrew (who doesn't say a freaking word!) "Stop talking so much Andrew, my brain is leaking out of my ears." I think I've said that to her before. And it is true.

Jen said...

WHAT is boiled frosting??

Katie, what IS it with the talking? I wonder what Kate and Becca would do if they were in a room together. Would one stay silent? Would all adults flee the scene because of the volume?

Anonymous said...

Kinda like a meringue cooked in a double boiler. The best part of the cake

Elizabeth said...

Re: Kate's TMI. Catherine shares totally embarrassing, low-context information with her preschool teacher. Often involving personal health habits or family shortcuts. *Cringe*