This bundle of joy is 5 months old today. Time is going too quickly! My baby is growing up too fast! Soon he'll be telling me he's not a baby anymore. GAH.
Luke is sleeping well, eating well, and socializing well. He loves television (third child) and chewing on things. He wakes up happy every morning, babbling to his mobile or his stuffed animals. He spins himself around in his crib, rarely waking up in the same position he went to sleep in. He can drool like nobody's business. He adores his big sisters, who in turn adore him back. He wants so badly to walk or crawl or run. He wants to be in the center of it all, and hates it when we leave him in the living room in his saucer when we are in another room. He usually only gets one good nap a day, due to his sisters' activities, but he does all right with it. I would like for him to stay this age for *just* a bit longer.
P.S. Can't believe he does well with one nap! Still can't figure that out over here...
Well, okay. He doesn't do well exactly...but I haven't figured out how to get him more than one good nap a day, and somehow we are surviving. Of course, I know it will get a lot worse as he gets older, and we are still at just one nap a day...
I love hearing about his personality. He sure is a cutie.
(In my limited, poor control group experience, the boy ones are more easily bribed to repeat "I A BABY" for a longer period of time than the girl ones.)
LOVED meeting Luke this weekend. Such a cutie, and soooo sweet. Best for me was, while the girls thought we were all sleeping, hearing them sneak into his room to try to teach him to talk: "mama dada, mama dada, mama dada...." Sounds like they're all having fun together.
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