Monday, June 14, 2010

Fighting over the vacuum, and other summer fun

This morning Kate was up early. We spent a little time reading her new Kids' World Atlas. She was obsessed with the komodo dragon. She asked me where it lived, and I told her: Indonesia. "Donesia?" she asked. "IN-do-ne-sia," I enunciated. "Donesia," she said, confident that she finally had it right.

She LOVES to read. She can read quite a few words, although she gets easily frustrated when we try to prod her along with what she doesn't already know.

Fun with the mister today.

Pouring water on her little brother's head, like any good big sister would do.

Learning how to get what he wants.

"I want to vacuum." "NO, I want to vacuum!" [can you hear my contented sigh from where you are?]


Colleen said...

What a great reaction to them fighting over a cleaning device! I'm going to try to have that kind of perspective in the future. :)

Elizabeth said...

Such great, iconic childhood pictures! Such a cute dress on Kate.

So have you and Georgi hooked up yet?