Saturday, May 01, 2010

I think she can read

Over the past several days, Kate has pulled out random books...and read them to us. The first one was a story from her brand new Highlights magazine, one which no one had read to her yet. She gets stuck on multi-syllabic words, but I think she can read. My baby's growing up.


Katie said...

holy cow!!!! That is so early! Are you working with her? Because I keep forgetting to do that, so I'm hoping they just sort of figure it out! :)

Colleen said...

wow! how exciting! i keep wondering how it's going to happen, and i guess maybe one day they just get it? good job, momma! that's great news.

also - i love this picture!

Anonymous said...

I knew she was a genius! Beauty and brains.

Elizabeth said...

Holy Cow is right! Wow!!!

Did you get lightroom or just take a really fabulous, perfect picture?

Do you get the regular highlights or the one geared for younger kids?

Jen said...

Honestly, I haven't been doing much. A lot of it is school, I think, and she is pretty smart and determined. It's so fun to see her get this!