Monday, April 14, 2008


It finally got warm today (about 97*), which can mean only one thing. No, not swimming, much to Kate's dismay. Not running through the sprinklers. Not turning on the A/C for the first time! Not icy margaritas by the pool, either, although that sounds lovely, doesn't it? Not a trip to Mt Lemmon to cool off - it isn't THAT hot yet. Sigh. I guess 90*+ weather means a lot of things.

But what I was talking about was popsicles! Ooey, gooey, drippy, messy popsicles. You should have seen Kate's eyes light up at the mere mention of them. She snapped right out of a meltdown. It was really quite amazing. Claire had never had a popsicle before. She rather enjoyed it.

Hmm. I think my popsicle will fit nicely in here.

Hey! What happened to my popsicle?


Elizabeth said...

Please tell me you have turned on your air conditioning at least once this year already. Or am I singlehandedly responsible for global warming? :)

Did you MAKE those popsicles?

Very cute pictures and outfits.

Jen said...

We have a swamp cooler, so we have only had to use that so far. I LOVE my swamp cooler, and will miss it dearly when we move.

No, I did not make popsicles! Hahaha! They are the cool (albeit weird) 'slow melt' ones.

Andrea and Ben said...

HAHAHA! I love that she stuck it in the leg of the table - that is funny! I wish I had a swamp cooler. I refuse to turn on the air until May - at least the warranty people coming out to check it over taking forever helps my decision!!

Anonymous said...

The popsicle pictures are cute. I'd much prefer the margarita by the pool myself. Not hot enough here for that and I don't think the gigantic mud puddle in our backyard would have the same effect. Miss you.
Any updates on housing in Las Vegas?