Friday, September 15, 2006

first 1st birthday party

Let's see if this cranky website will let me post my photos today.

As I mentioned yesterday, Kate got to have her first taste of birthday cake and she loved it. At first she was delicate (we were very surprised) and just picked at the little dots on the butterflies.

Then she realized that the dots tasted good and went in for the kill.

I hope she didn't eat all that is missing.

Cake was everywhere. We'll see how next week's birthday party here goes. I might have to put her outside with her cake. I admire Sheila's ability to laugh when chocolate cake was flying across her kitchen; I do not think it will be as funny when it is in my own house. Call me Monica if you must.

Towards the end of our trip, we visited Tim's grandma where Kate got to play in the grass again. She loves that stuff! We might have to invest in a small patch just to keep her happy here. Rocks just aren't the same, I guess.


Katie said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE that last picture. It is so adorable!

Andrea and Ben said...

katie, you stole my comment :0) She is a doll!!